On Thursday we came to school in our Christmas jumpers and outfits. Our kitchen team made us a delicious Christmas lunch which we all enjoyed. Thank you to the kitchen team!
In Year 1, we have been printing using different sized Lego pieces. We experimented with different primary colours before mixing them together to create new colours and shades. We had to be careful when applying the paint to ensure the print was clear.
After we focused on...
Last week, was anti-bullying week in school. All of our children focused on the theme "Choose Respect" which of course, is one of our school values.
We explored the meaning of bullying and different scenarios where this can occur. This was alongside considering what respect is and how w...
Today, everyone has been involved in raising money for Children in Need. The children had great fun laying out their money to create a giant Pudsey head! We raised an amazing £250.58 which has been sent to Children in Need.
Well done everyone and thank you for your generosity...
As part of anti-bullying week, our whole school has participated in Odd Socks Day. We came to school today in odd socks as a way of celebrating differences and diversity across our school and community. We have read stories and had discussions about similarities and differences and have enjoyed...
Today we demonstrated our school value of respect. We all made our own poppy and created a Remembrance garden. We all visited to have some time for reflection and think about the bravery of all those who have and still continue to keep us safe.
Our Year 5 and 6 children also visited The Cenotaph...
In history this term, Year 1 have been learning about what life was like for their grandparents and great grandparents. As part of this topic, we visited the new 1950s village at Beamish Museum.
First we spent some time visiting the police house and semi-detached houses from Sunderland. We g...
Year 1 have designed and constructed their own windmills. First they found out about different types of windmills such as wind turbines and flour mills. They then created the structure, turbine and axles and assembled them. The children then evaluated them against their design criteria. They were so...
What a busy few weeks!
In RE, Year 1 children have been learning about Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is a Jewish festival which is celebrated in October. In class, the children have been learning about the different traditions people do during the festival. One of those traditions is eat...
What a fun day Year 1 have had at Gateshead Stadium attending a Disney Multi-Sport Festival. The children took part in lots of different activities, working on their co-ordination skills, throwing and catching and balancing skills.
Today Reception and Year one had a very exciting morning with a visit to the Tyne Theatre in Newcastle to watch a performance of ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’.
We all thoroughly enjoyed the show. There was lots of audience participation, and we enjoyed spotting all the different characte...