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Year 6 News

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  • 11/09/24


    Year 6 have been learning about the function of the heart in science today.
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  • 04/09/24

    Year 6 English

    Year 6 have started their first English unit, based upon the book 'Wonder' by R. J. Pallacio.
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  • 09/07/24

    KS2 Performance

    On Tuesday 9th July, KS2 created a magical day of music to delight their audiences.        
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  • 26/06/24

    History with Durham University

    Today, Year 6 were visited by John Roxburgh from Durham University who delivered a fun and fascinating session based on the local history of Greenside. John provided the children with maps dating from the 1800s and early 1900s and asked them to identify similarities and differences between them. The...
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  • 27/03/24

    Greek Day

    To celebrate the end of their unit of work about Ancient Greece, Year 6 held a Greek Day today. We looked at the legacy of the Ancient Greek civilisation and were surprised at how many things from modern day life stem from Ancient Greece. The children also turned their hand to some Greek writing, cr...
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  • 27/01/24

    Northumbria University Visitor

    On Wednesday, Year 5 and Year 6 were visited by Professor Neil Beattie from Northumbria University. Professor Beattie is Professor of Energy Innovation and the Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Renewable Energy Northeast Universities. He spoke to the children about careers in sus...
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  • 23/01/24

    Key Stage 2 Lunch Club

    Our fantastic team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors came up with the great idea of creating an indoor lunch club for children who wanted a break from the yard and would like to play with our ambassadors inside. At lunch club, the ambassadors have created a relaxed space in the library where children fro...
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  • 23/01/24

    Key Stage 2 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

    During our School Council elections, one of our candidates stated that they would like to set up a group of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. It was lovely to see their idea develop when we set up our very own team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors during Anti-Bullying Week. The children all wrote about why the...
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  • 23/01/24

    Year 6 Waistcoats

    In Design Technology, Year 6 have been designing and making their own waistcoats. The children decided to design a waistcoat for Sunny our school mascot. They created their designs, cut the patterns and sewed the fabric together to make their waistcoats. They then added pockets, buttons and patches...
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  • 23/01/24

    Years 5/6 Book Club

    In the Autumn term, children from Years 5 and 6 took part in a book club with a science twist to it. The children were reviewing a range of books which we had been given to judge in the Royal Society’s Children’s Book Prize. Over the term, the children read all of the books and awarded t...
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  • 10/01/24

    Investigating how light travels

    Year 6 have been investigating how light travels in science this week. The children were equipped with a length of hosepipe, a torch and some red cellophane and were tasked with making a red light shine out of the hosepipe. After some trial and error, they discovered that light only travels in a str...
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  • 23/12/23

    Upper Key Stage 2 Christmas Party

    On Tuesday afternoon, Year 5 and Year 6 donned their party clothes and had their Christmas party. They did lots of dancing, played some festive party games and had some delicious food. A great time was had by all!  
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