Welcome to Nursery’s class page. In Nursery, the children have lots of fun learning through child initiated play and enjoyable play-based activities in small groups. We hope that you enjoy looking at our page to find out all about the exciting things we have been learning. 
Nursery Curriculum
Nursery Parent Curriculum Information Booklet Autumn 2023
Nursery Parent Curriculum Information Booklet Spring 2024
Learning at Home
- Home learning journals and rhyme of the week will be sent home with your child every Tuesday and should be returned the following Monday in their book bag.
- Please complete one page of your child’s home learning journal each week, telling us something that your child has enjoyed doing or a learning experience they have had at home that week.
- Library books will be chosen by your child and sent home on a Tuesday and should be returned the following Monday in your child’s blue book bag.
Other Information
- Please remember to bring a coat for the outdoors every day as the weather can be changeable.
- Please ensure jumpers have your child’s name clearly labelled inside.
- Bring book bags to school every Monday.
- Please send a pair of wellies into school for your child as soon as possible so that they can access the garden fully over the autumn and winter months.
- Please send some spare clothes, including underwear, in a named bag to be kept in school.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the school office, so that we can help.
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