School Meals
School lunches are prepared on the school premises by Gateshead School Meals Service. Menus can be accessed through the Gateshead School Meal webpage (Gateshead School Meals).
The majority of children stay for a school lunch, others bring a packed lunch. Parents can choose to access a combination of school meals and packed lunch each week. The children indicate each day during registration whether they will be accessing a school lunch or whether they have brought their own lunch.
School meals should be paid for in advance. This can be done by adding credit to your child's Arbor account and the charge for each lunch will be debited when your child accesses the lunch. If you need support with loading funds to your account, please contact the school office.
School lunches cost £3:00 per day for children in Year 3 - Year 6 and £2.35 for children in Nursery.
School lunches are free to all children in Reception to Year 2 as part of the government's Universal Free School Meal arrangements.
Children who bring packed lunches eat these in the dining hall. All food consumed in school should meet school food standards and our packed lunch policy provides guidance for parents choosing this option.
Drinking water is available for all children throughout lunch and the school day.
Please note that we have a number of allergies in school and ask that packed lunches do not contain eggs or nuts for the safety of our children.
The children are supervised at lunchtime, both in the dining hall and playground by our teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors. In addition, the Headteacher, or a senior member of staff, is on the school premises during lunchtime.
Free School Meals
It is the policy of Gateshead Council that all pupils entitled to free meals should take advantage of the provision. Parents who believe that they are entitled to free meals should apply via Gateshead Council. Further details and application forms are available via the school office or the Gateshead Council website (Free School Meals).
Eligibility for free school meals also provides access to additional benefits such as holiday food shopping vouchers so parents should apply even if their child in Reception to Year 2. School also receives a small amount of additional funding for eligible children.