Reception Class Visit The Rising Sun Country Park

Reception class have visited The Rising Sun Country Park as part of their learning about mini beasts and habitats. We had a glorious day for the visit with our first sunny day this year.
As we walked to the pond, we spotted lots of wildlife including rabbits, butterflies and a variety of birds.
We went pond dipping where we found and identified stickleback, water lice, water snails and other interesting pond life. From there, we made our own “pond” by collecting natural materials and then created our own interpretations of the pond creatures to bring it to life. We had some very creative designs.
After tucking into a packed lunch, we ventured down to the quarry. There, we hunted for mini beasts in a woodland habitat and classified these by looking closely at them, to sort them by the number of legs each had. We found everything from “juicy” worms to centipedes, beetles and ladybirds.
It was a great day and our Reception class displayed resilience throughout a new experience, lots of enthusiasm for learning; as well the usual superb behaviour and attitudes that make us so proud of them. We had many compliments about this throughout the day, from visitors to the park and the park rangers leading our group. A credit to our school!