Welcome to Year 2

In class, we have been reading the story of ‘The Lonely Beast’. It is the story of a beast who decides to visit the city. Along the way, he encounters many obstacles and even makes some new friends. To begin their new text, Year 2 enjoyed some drama activities. These included creating freeze frames of a key page from the story and performing the beginning of the story as a group with actions.
This week, Year 2 have finished writing their character description of the ‘Lonely Beast’. Year 2 shared their fantastic ideas and used adjectives effectively to interest the reader.
In art lessons, Year 2 have been experimenting with colour, texture and pattern. This week, we ventured outside to create rubbings of different areas in the playground. We used a wax crayon and paper to create our rubbings and we found that rough surfaces created the best patterns!
Year 2 have also enjoyed starting their new PE unit, ‘ball skills’, led by our PE coach. As the unit continues, Year 2 will develop their fundamental ball skills such as throwing, catching, rolling, hitting a target, dribbling with both hands and feet and kicking. They will look to perform these skills with increasing control and accuracy using co-ordination and balance.